Why we’re different

Executive search firms vary widely in their approach. At Search With Purpose we pride ourselves on the following:

At Search With Purpose we believe that the highest quality detailed research is the foundation of a great search. We find the best candidates for our clients by thoroughly mapping the market, leaving no stone unturned.


Many firms can produce a list of names but at Search With Purpose we provide our clients with invaluable insight on a candidate’s strengths, past performance, working style and cultural fit. We not only assess whether a candidate is qualified, but also whether they are the right person to succeed in that role.


We are completely focused on work within the sustainability function. Our network and knowledge of the space ensures we will find the best candidate.


As an independent boutique we are nimble and able to adapt to best suit your business and respond to trends in the market.


We work to a fixed fee and run a defined process to a set timeline.


At Search With Purpose we are driven to find the very best sustainability leader for your organisation. Search for us is not simply a process, it is our mission and how we will maximise our own personal impact in the world.
